I'm not quite sure when I last updated my site. The WayBackMachine is suggesting I launched the last incarnation sometime in early 2016, and there's been something like 12 updates. Epic.

That site was supposed to be a landing page for the myriad range of social media platforms, micro-blogs and other sources of stuff that I was working on since 2009-10. Roll forward many years, and most of those platforms are redundant, closed, terrible or just, well, terrible.

Roll forward to 2020, and with the launch of 2e40k.com (a site and blog dedicated to one of my hobbies), it seemed about time I tackle this site, and make an effort.

So, whilst I'm working on the new shiny theme and an effort to avoid procrastination (or the lack of template blocking creativity) I'm going to start writing posts.

My aim will be to write both historically and current content. Taking a retrospective of projects and interesting things that I've worked on over the years, and to start documenting what I'm working on now. Some of the older pictures will be crumby, but hopefully the newer pictures will be slicker and shinier. Who knows, there might be a video or two.

Edit: I'm also importing all of the content from the other platforms dating back to 2010 - I've started, but will take a week or two. That'll show up in The Archives, and some will be tagged to appear elsewhere too.

So what can you expect? Well, in the effort to keep this DRY, head over to the about page to see what I'm currently obsessed with. But in short, I'll be making and breaking stuff as usual.

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