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Internet of Things 2014 Forum

I got to spend yesterday at the IoT 2014 forum, in Cambridge, listening to some fantastic speakers and getting to meet lots of really interesting folk starting up, building businesses and engineering new technologies. Having made the epic move of developing a fresh business plan, and focusing solely on a...

3D Printing Server Parts

With some of the chassis we have in our datacentre, the majority of drive bays are designed for 3.5” HDD, so it’s a pain when we need to configure a lightweight server or appliance with an SSD. Whilst the chassis can be upgrade or modified to take 2....

Jon McCoy

Bad blogger! Bad!

Yeah, I've been a bad blogger. No posts since November? I have, however, been busy with lots of lovely projects - many I'll try to post about over coming weeks. I've caught up with a few projects, shelved a few and started too many new ones. One that's taking pride...

I'm still here!

In the effort to break my 6-monthly posting, I'm going to start documenting my projects a little better and get some posted. I'm planning some mini-projects, redux of old projects and finishing some big projects... With access to 3D printers at work ( [

Busy, Busy, Busy

The last few months have flown by - hard to believe it's nearly the end of May... So, having part-written countless blog post drafts, I've not had the time (nor inclination I suppose) to finish them. Suffice to say, I probably should. Having had my Birthday recently, I'm now inundated...

Keeping up with the Joneses

I'm not one for product blogs, but sometimes amazing things need attention lavished upon them; and Blackmagic's Pocket Cinema Camera [] is one of those amazing things. A 1080P HD cinema camera (it captures RAW Wide Dynamic range) with the form factor of a crappy...

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