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I'm not quite sure when I last updated my site. The WayBackMachine is suggesting I launched the last incarnation sometime in early 2016, and there's been something like 12 updates. Epic. That site was supposed to be a landing page for the myriad range of social media platforms, micro-blogs and...

Jon McCoy

Bad blogger! Bad!

Yeah, I've been a bad blogger. No posts since November? I have, however, been busy with lots of lovely projects - many I'll try to post about over coming weeks. I've caught up with a few projects, shelved a few and started too many new ones. One that's taking pride...

I'm still here!

In the effort to break my 6-monthly posting, I'm going to start documenting my projects a little better and get some posted. I'm planning some mini-projects, redux of old projects and finishing some big projects... With access to 3D printers at work (www.makerbase.co.uk [http://www.makerbase.co....

Busy, Busy, Busy

The last few months have flown by - hard to believe it's nearly the end of May... So, having part-written countless blog post drafts, I've not had the time (nor inclination I suppose) to finish them. Suffice to say, I probably should. Having had my Birthday recently, I'm now inundated...

This technology is fantastical and yet already out of date.

As an opening blog, and demonstration of my sheer technical prowess, I'm writing this from a tablet device. Okay, so a little more 2010 and a little less 2001 (the book, rather than the year), but astounding nonetheless. It wasn't even ten years ago, there were folks building prop Star...

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