Been a good few weeks since I last wrote an entry; bad me, bad me!

I've been incredibly busy, and still without a functional studio to shoot from, but it's on the way! I'm also planning to call it something highly pretentious like the "Idea Lab". That way, I can get away with using it for my weirdo high-tech projects as well... And make it look like a lab out of Iron Man.

I'm also in the process of setting up a parallel blog, somewhere to rant nauseatingly about technological things (mostly stuff I make and break). It'll be entitled "Made by McCoy"... Get it? Shot By McCoy... Made By McCoy... Well, screw you, I think it makes sense.

One day I'll actually create sites and blog templates for both, but until hell freezes over (I'm reckoning about January), this'll just have to do.

Stay tuned.

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