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Old Studio Closes & Flunky Models

Well, as of about an hour ago, the old studio is officially closed as the last prop and piece of rigging is moved out. Just a few dustballs left rolling around the floor... The new studio will open in 6 to 8 weeks, with our first big shoots already being...


This week has just disappeared... Lots of shoots booked, lots of cancellations, lots of rescheduling, lots of re-bookings... Not sure how, but I'm shooting with the models booked, but not on the original days booked, and I'm shooting on just the days I originally booked on. Shattered nonetheless, and have...

Busy! Busy! Busy!

To most, a bank holiday is an extra long weekend, a chance to get away and have a short break (normally shorter than intended, thanks to the ultra-heavy caravan laden traffic jams). To us however, they mean an extra day of, um, work. This weekend, I'm building a website today,...

Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!

Only a few weeks before we move studios now. Because we've got a month or so gap in studio space from the transition, I'm setting up lots and lots of creative shoots for the next fortnight. We'll be shooting nail art, jewellery, avant garde, alternative, burlesque, fashion... This fortnight is...

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