Jon McCoy

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Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!

Only a few weeks before we move studios now. Because we've got a month or so gap in studio space from the transition, I'm setting up lots and lots of creative shoots for the next fortnight. We'll be shooting nail art, jewellery, avant garde, alternative, burlesque, fashion... This fortnight is...

Jon McCoy

Back from Holiday

Excuse the tardiness of my post, but I've been enjoying eight days of technology-free relaxation in Lithuania with the lovely Ms. R. Though I didn't take anything more than a palm-sized digital HD camera, and even took incredibly few photos myself (though I do appear in copious numbers of pictures...

New Studio...

Some big changes coming, as we re-plan our studio facilities... While compact, our existing studio (about 5.5m by 4.5m), coupled with an additional space we hijack above the studio we use for prep/food/changing/makeup is a great size for most shoots, but can be a little...

Robotics for Beginners

I want to build a robot. But not a little toy robot that follows white lines, tumbles over or has stickers for facial features. No, I want to build a "proper" robot. The kind that you remotely drive into theatres of war, the kind for which the term "payload" doesn't...

Jon McCoy

Orange RockCorp

On Saturday we volunteered for the Orange RockCorp project at Valentines Park in Ilford, East London. The 45 or so of us, were split into four groups, our group tasked with clearing a concrete-lined brook. Naturally our side of the brook did the best job, and finished first - now...

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