Jon McCoy

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Jon McCoy

Nice Rack ;-)

Spotted this lovely rack of Aluminium (and cold rolled steel) profiles in a local DIY store the other day (Wickes), and trying to figure out how many fun things I can make with this stuff. Way to expensive, but it's nice to see a such a specialist range of profiles...

Keepin' on top of me...

One day I'll find the time to work on a new site to host each blog in it's own little fluffy cocoon, but until then checkout the latest posts from the other blogs on the right hand tool bar....


It's time to be a little mysterious... We're working on a brand new project; well two really, but both leading to a really cool new set of products. Can't say much about them, other than them being a fraction of the cost of the big industry player's products, and being...

The Model Agency

I'm really enjoying Channel 4's new documentary series; The Model Agency. It does bring back memories... Anyhow, check it out: I've been told to elaborate more, but I'm currently being attacked by a big angry dinosaur. Rah....


If getting the latest issue of Wired through the post yesterday wasn't the highlight of the week, then getting the latest issue of Make definitely is! A couple of fun bits and pieces I sniped on eBay have been turning up too, so it's probably time I actually start writing...

Grey Skies and Studio Delays

Grey skies, delays with my new studio/lab space and other crappyness, makes me one unhappy bunny. With packs of Polaroid, new cameras, models pestering to shoot, ideas pouring out and lots of new designs by Ms R. to shoot, I'm getting a little stir crazy. On top of this,...

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