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Winter, the Project Motivator

Now that winter is slowly and cruelly creeping upon us, my lackadaisical project efforts have started to give way to a bit of focus. Over the next few weeks, there should hopefully be some big progress (and write-ups) on my projects, that include: * RC Platform (aka UAV/Rover) * RC Hovercraft...

RC Dual-Motor Control

The mission; to develop an Arduino based PWM mixer that can control dual-motor powered vehicles. Having bought two RC vehicles that rely upon dual-motor control, in the process of stripping out their original low-spec electronics, I was in desperate need for a mixer to take the steering and throttle channel...

Jon McCoy

Hovercrafts & Models

Another car boot, another treasure trove of finds - including an RC hovercraft, sets of Star Wars model kits and a pristine Scalextric set... Awesome! Like the RC boat, the hovercraft features twin props, that deliver forward/reverse/left/right, with a third channel controlling the inflation fan. I've already...

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