Ms. R15

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Lithuania 2011

Back from Lithuania end of last week, and getting back into things slowly after the bank holiday weekend... It was a mix of errands and a bit of relaxation, with plenty of furniture moving - mostly around Alytus and surrounding countryside. Had a couple of really great days - including...

Jon McCoy

New Cards!

At long, long last, I have my new contact cards! Rather than having a card for each blog, in a nod to the sociopaths out there, one side features Shot by McCoy and the other features Made by McCoy. Whatever the event (within reason as to what the event is,...

Jon McCoy


After a quick supplies trip this evening, I've stocked up on some extruded aluminium profiles for projects and general fabrication. Won't go so far as to list them, but as I publish projects I'll include the component specifications and a couple of suppliers for each. The first set of projects...

RC Fun

Two weeks of car boot sales (I do love them) have resulted in a multitude of treasures (see life-long debate of "one man's crap vs other man's treasure")... In homage to the generation game: * one vintage Polaroid camera (complete with old film cartridge) * a radio control speed boat (boxed with...

Sunday Inspiration

In an attempt to work on Ms R's website (Stall21 []), I've been looking for inspiration to get me focused and so have been distracting myself with some great blogs: * Swiss Miss [] * Visual Diary [] * Creative Boom [http://www.creativeboom....

Jon McCoy


New one-pot restaurant in Cambridge. Really good fun, especially as we where guinea pigs and the first few to try it before it opens publicly in the next few weeks. Check it out; Aki-Teri (opposite Teri-Aki) just by the river, next to the punting dock....

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