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Architech Phetish

Yes, I'm making words up now. Architech = Architecture + Technology Phetish = Photographic Fetishism *sigh* Anyway, to the post at hand. [] - This website is fantastic and well worth a few hours of your time. Peter McCready's gallery/interactive imagery are a 360° snapshot of the...

New Year, New Plans

The past 18 months have been hectic and pulled me further from my preferred forms of imaging then I'd have liked. Having adapted (for one reason or another) my studio into a lab-slash-workshop, I no longer have the space I would need for fashion or portrait photography (well, I could...

Building a 3D Printer

Much has been happening on the 3D printing front. A few delays in sourcing parts (as will be explained), but otherwise things are going smoothly. After some research and help from the donor of the seed parts, I chose the Ecksbot [] as the basis for my...

New plan. Build a 3D printer. Simple.

As a redux of a plan I had in May, I'm now back on track with building a 3D printer. Spurred on by the release of MakerBot's awesome Replicator 2 [], it was either saving up and waiting until later next year, or hacking my...

Unnecessary Hero Worship

In the absence of a worthwhile post, I thought it best to do some hero worship and shortlist a handful of photographers who's works I adore. In no particular order: * Steve Prue [] (aka TeamRockstar... Tumblr [] *) * Corwin Prescott [] (and Tumblr...

UX - More Than Fluff

My day-to-day work tends to get split three ways between information science, information technology and control technology. But the one underlying thing that's common to all and massively neglected across all, is good User Experience or "UX" design. Too often developers excuse horrific processes and user experiences to "getting things...

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