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New plan. Build a 3D printer. Simple.

As a redux of a plan I had in May, I'm now back on track with building a 3D printer. Spurred on by the release of MakerBot's awesome Replicator 2 [], it was either saving up and waiting until later next year, or hacking my...

Winter, the Project Motivator

Now that winter is slowly and cruelly creeping upon us, my lackadaisical project efforts have started to give way to a bit of focus. Over the next few weeks, there should hopefully be some big progress (and write-ups) on my projects, that include: * RC Platform (aka UAV/Rover) * RC Hovercraft...

Productive Fortnight

Having a 4-day weekend is a definite recipe for hobby productivity... Over the Jubilee weekend/week I managed to push forward a number of projects, including; the OO scale card modelling, the RC dual-motor controller and a couple of new projects. One of the new projects is Arduino based and...

Print, Cut, Fold, Stick...

...and wipe off the gluey finger prints. My first foray into the fantastically detailed Scalescenes [] self-print OO (and N) gauge model kits. The idea is great; artwork in PDF form to build a highly detailed model, but the added advantage of being able to butcher and...

Jan/Feb Roundup

Well, a new year has come, and we're into March already. I've spent most of my free time procrastinating, making lists and watching action hero films ranging from Iron-Man (1 et 2), Green Hornet, Star Trek (2011 reboot) to X-Men (1-5), Daredevil etc. Pretty much sums up the year to...

Jon McCoy


In a packed weekend, I got to see lots and lots of Barbary Macaques [] up-close in a forest... Oh and I got to drive two trains. Oh yes. Not only did I get to drive a class 03 diesel shunter [http://en.wikipedia....

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