Jon McCoy

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Unnecessary Hero Worship

In the absence of a worthwhile post, I thought it best to do some hero worship and shortlist a handful of photographers who's works I adore. In no particular order: * Steve Prue [] (aka TeamRockstar... Tumblr [] *) * Corwin Prescott [] (and Tumblr...

UX - More Than Fluff

My day-to-day work tends to get split three ways between information science, information technology and control technology. But the one underlying thing that's common to all and massively neglected across all, is good User Experience or "UX" design. Too often developers excuse horrific processes and user experiences to "getting things...

Winter, the Project Motivator

Now that winter is slowly and cruelly creeping upon us, my lackadaisical project efforts have started to give way to a bit of focus. Over the next few weeks, there should hopefully be some big progress (and write-ups) on my projects, that include: * RC Platform (aka UAV/Rover) * RC Hovercraft...

RC Dual-Motor Control

The mission; to develop an Arduino based PWM mixer that can control dual-motor powered vehicles. Having bought two RC vehicles that rely upon dual-motor control, in the process of stripping out their original low-spec electronics, I was in desperate need for a mixer to take the steering and throttle channel...

Productive Fortnight

Having a 4-day weekend is a definite recipe for hobby productivity... Over the Jubilee weekend/week I managed to push forward a number of projects, including; the OO scale card modelling, the RC dual-motor controller and a couple of new projects. One of the new projects is Arduino based and...

First Vacuum Form

Well then, after a complete strip-down and check over of the new vacuum former, I clamped down, heated up, vacuumed and released. Rather than waste a tonne of new sheet, I reused the first sheet - trying to figure out the heat settings, the timings and the vacuum capacity. I...

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