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RC Dual-Motor Control

The mission; to develop an Arduino based PWM mixer that can control dual-motor powered vehicles. Having bought two RC vehicles that rely upon dual-motor control, in the process of stripping out their original low-spec electronics, I was in desperate need for a mixer to take the steering and throttle channel...

Productive Fortnight

Having a 4-day weekend is a definite recipe for hobby productivity... Over the Jubilee weekend/week I managed to push forward a number of projects, including; the OO scale card modelling, the RC dual-motor controller and a couple of new projects. One of the new projects is Arduino based and...

Jan/Feb Roundup

Well, a new year has come, and we're into March already. I've spent most of my free time procrastinating, making lists and watching action hero films ranging from Iron-Man (1 et 2), Green Hornet, Star Trek (2011 reboot) to X-Men (1-5), Daredevil etc. Pretty much sums up the year to...

RC Bits

Things are hotting up a little more on the project front. Okay, that massively oversells the projects more than is most likely due. But nonetheless, I've got some bits on order, and hopefully will start seeing them arrive next week. The bits include: * FlySky FS-GT3B (2.4Ghz transmitter/receiver) * Gmade...

Wireless Sensor Networks and Safety

Not quite the sexiest of topics, but an interesting one nonetheless. My work finds me at current designing and architecting conventional albeit highly reliable and fail-safe (literal failure of anything results in electrical and physical isolation/safety states) cabled systems. A combination of both electrical and pneumatic actuation, coupled with...

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